Weigh In Wednesday 3.11.15

Linking up with the Weigh In Wednesday girls today!

Let’s get right to it, shall we?

Previous weight: 172.6
Current weight: 172.8
Loss: + 0.2
Total: – 6.2

The past few weeks have been a learning experience for me, and I’m still trying to figure out my eating. I’m not disappointed that I’ve gained because losing weight isn’t a short-term goal for me. I’m doing this for the rest of my life, so a couple of less than stellar weeks isn’t a big deal.

How did you do this week?

Weigh In Wednesday

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Weigh In Wednesday 3.4.15

Linking up with the Weigh In Wednesday girls today!

This week was a little different. I wasn’t home on the morning of my normal weigh in day, so I went ahead and weighed in the day before. I should be back on my normal schedule, so next week’s update should be more accurate.

Previous weight: 172.2
Current weight: 172.6
Loss: + 0.4
Total: – 6.4

I’m not disappointed in that number at all. I didn’t expect to lose a lot of weight immediately with the new way I’m eating, but I’m looking forward to it coming off slowly but surely.

How did you do this week?

Weigh In Wednesday

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Weigh In Wednesday 2.25.15

Linking up with the Weigh In Wednesday girls today!

I know I missed last week, and I wish I could tell you that I had an awesome reason. I didn’t. I’m just lazy. I did weigh myself though, and I was up to 173.6. No surprise there. That came after a trip to Bdubs as well as oreo cheesecake to celebrate my brothers’ birthday.

Here’s what happened this week.

Previous weight: 173.6
Current weight: 172.2
Loss: – 1.4
Total: – 6.8

So I lost most of what I gained, but I’m still a little up from where I was a couple of weeks ago.

On another note, I’ve made some changes with my eating that I’ll share more about tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great week!

Weigh In Wednesday

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Weigh In Wednesday 2.11.15

Linking up with the Weigh In Wednesday girls again! Here’s what happened this week.

Previous weight: 172.8
Current weight:

IMG_3407Loss: – 1
Total: – 7.2

IMG_3422-1I’m going to say something really weird right now, and I almost want to slap myself for even thinking it. I’ve lost almost five pounds since the beginning of the year (which is freaking awesome), but I think it might actually be hurting me. I know that sounds crazy, but hear me out. Every week, without fail, there is at least one day (and sometimes two) that I go off the wall with my eating. If I track my points for the day at all, it’s after I’ve already eaten everything, which completely defeats the purpose for me. Then I spend the rest of the week staying within my daily points to make up for that one sucky day. It’s working because I’m still losing weight, but I know I’m not losing as much weight as I could be. I’m definitely not forming healthy habits for the future. Plus, the food that I’m eating isn’t fueling my body. It’s fueling my emotions. No bueno. I almost want my body to stop losing and say, “hey, stop eating crap! It’s bad for you!” Maybe then I’d actually learn.

Admitting it is the first step, right? Honestly, I feel better already just writing it out. I have the power. I just have to remember that.

On a different note, I’ve decided to separate my personal and blog Instagram accounts, so the link will now take you directly to my blog account! Feel free to follow along via Instagram!

How did you do this week?

Weigh In Wednesday

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Weigh In Wednesday 2.4.15

Linking up with the Weigh In Wednesday girls again! Here’s what happened this week.

Previous weight: 173.8
Current weight:


Loss: – 1
Total: – 6.2

IMG_3400It’s amazing that actually sticking with something is working for me. For the longest time, I would give up after having a bad day. That bad day would turn into a bad weekend, a bad month, and even a bad season. Believe me, it’s happened. I’m not sure why this time is different, and I don’t really want to question it. All I do know is that I’m tired of being unhappy, and I’m the only person who can do anything to make it better. You just have to start.

How did you do this week?

Weigh In Wednesday

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Weigh In Wednesday 1.28.15

Here we go again!

Previous weight: 175.4
Current weight:

IMG_3378Loss: – 1.6
Total: – 5.2

I am really surprised at this loss actually. This followed a weekend of not-so-great choices, but it just reinforces for me that one day does not define me or my journey.

IMG_3377Please ignore my shockingly white skin. Those legs haven’t seen the light of day in quite some time. Now you know why Potter calls me Casper.

I also updated my measurements, but I think I’m going to use those just for me at this point. That may change though!

How did you do this week?

Weigh In Wednesday

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Weigh In Wednesday 1.14.15

It has been so. freaking. long. since I’ve linked up with the Weigh in Wednesday girls. Like almost five months. Shameful, I know. I’ve actually missed the accountability though, so here I go again. For the sake of consistency (ha, what’s that?), I’ll stick with my numbers from my last blog-official weigh in. Next week will be better, I promise!

Previous weight: 171.2
Current weight: 176.6
Loss: + 5.4
Total: – 2.4

Look for more updates coming soon!

Weigh In Wednesday

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Weigh In Wednesday 08/27/14

Now that my little bros are away at school, I’ve finally started getting back on track with my weight goals. For some reason, I was using them leaving as an excuse to derail (sticking with the train metaphor), acting like every day is a vacation. Taco Bell anyone?

A Saturday was my first day of being an only child, and it just so happens to also be my weigh-in day for Weight Watchers. Perfect time to reset, and reset is what I did. I’m continuing my with my last blog-official weigh-in below, but just know that my weight on my reset day was 177. Loss of 5.8 pounds, say what?! Funny what sticking to a plan wholeheartedly can do for you.

Here are my blog-official results

Previous weight: 173

Current weight:


Loss: – 1.8

Total: – 7.8


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Weigh In Wednesday 07/09/14

I wasn’t sure whether I was even going to post a weigh in for this week. Not only was it the July 4th weekend, but my scale ran out of batteries and I was too lazy to see if we had anymore. Just to get an idea, I went ahead and used another scale, and these are the results.

Previous weight: 169.4

Current weight: 172

Loss: +2.6

Total: – 7

Now, I have a couple of thoughts about this. Seriously disappointed in myself because I know I haven’t been eating correctly or exercising consistently and it’s obviously showing on the scale. On the other hand, I’ve never compared my weight on the two different scales, so I really have no idea how accurate this is. Over two pounds in a week is a lot, even for me (except during during the week of Christmas – then it’s completely acceptable). I plan to fix my scale during the next couple of days, so the next weigh in should be accurate. I’ll try to see how the weights compare, and I’ll let you guys know! Until then, I’m going to continue to use this number as my official weigh in.

Tomorrow I’ll be talking about my 10k training progress for non-scale victories!

And now, just because I can.

Harry Potter humorHappy Wednesday!

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